Aries Season 2023 with Kira Sutherland on THE COSMIC EYE FORECAST

Kira Sutherland joins Alejo Lopez to chat about Aries Season and the month ahead. Includes a look at classic Aries folks Maya Angelou, Lady Gaga and Joseph Campbell. PLUS the New Moon at 0 degrees Aries, the Full Moon, and the next lunar eclipse at 29 Aries. You’ll hear some thoughts about Pluto moving into Aquarius and Mars moving into Cancer, and the Minor Grand Trine on the 29th of March between Saturn, Mars and Mercury.

About Our Guest: Kira Sutherland is an award-winning naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and medical astrologer living in Australia. She has lectured around the world and uses her 25 years of clinical experience and vast knowledge of healing in combination with her passion for medical astrology into a wonderful mix of mind/body medicine. She can be found on socials at @kirasutherland

See all of Kira’s webinars and courses at Astrology University – Browse Collection

Time Stamps for the topics covered in this episode:

0:00-08:13 Introduction to Aries Season
08:13-18:38 Classic Aries – Wilbur Wright, Lady Gaga, Maya Angelou
18:38-25:22 Things to do in Aries Season
25:22-1:00:43 Astrology of Aries Season
1:00:43-1:07:05 Monthly Mantra & Wrap Up

Transcript for The Cosmic Eye – Aries Season Episode

Tony Howard:  Welcome to the Astrology University podcast, helping you find insight, inspiration and meaning to the study of astrology. And now on to the show.

Alejo Lopez: Welcome to the Cosmic Eye, the Astrology University podcast in which we will look at the month ahead and the challenges and opportunities that are coming. This is the podcast for the Aries season. I am Alejo Lopez, your host, and today with me is Kira Sutherland. Kira needs no introduction. But in case you don’t know her, she’s an Australian naturopath and supportive tissues nutritionist with more than 25 years in clinical practice– more than 30 years, now that you mentioned– in practice. She’s also a medical astrologer. Hi, Kira.

Kira Sutherland: Hi, Alejo. How are you? I better change that on my bio. It’s like 29 years now. I’ve had my Saturn return as a practitioner. I only just realized that now that I said that. Maybe I’m having it now?

Alejo: Yeah. So before we move into Aries season itself, I would like to mention to all of the listeners, if you’d like the podcast, please, the best thing you can do is to support us by sharing it with friends, people who might be interested in it. And also if you have any feedback or any comments to share, any thoughts, reflections, the email is [email protected]. Great. So Kira, we start a new cycle of the zodiac with the sun going into Aries. The first thing I think of is the idea of spring and the idea of the trees blossoming out, like these little green branches that you start seeing coming out of the trees. And then I also have this image, the first time I started astrology I started from a very non-rational way, so we were doing guided meditations. And we did this guided meditation where there was this fireball emerging from the sea. And then started running and running.

Kira: Oh I love that. Yeah, my original astrology teacher did a lot of guided meditation for each sign as well.

Alejo: Do you remember the one for Aries?

Kira: No, I don’t. Sorry, I don’t. I remember all the watery ones. Probably because I got more lost in the water ones. The fire ones probably just felt great. Yeah, but ya know, that’s more than 30 years ago Alejo. I mean, spring, I’m born in spring. So you know, we all have that affinity– I think we have a huge affinity for what season we’re born in. I think there’s a real coming back to yourself in that season. And our bodies often feel really good, especially once you hit your solar return for the year. You know, in medical astrology, one of the weakest times of the year is the month before your birthday. And then once you hit your birthday, you go into a great vibration. So yeah, it’s interesting to look at seasonally as well. Which one? Which season you work with the best.

Alejo: Hmm, interesting. Yeah. Because the month before your birthday, the sun in your 12th house?

Kira: Yeah, I’m very good at catching viruses or needing to be home for a couple of weeks right before my birthday. Yeah. Do you do that?

Alejo: No, to be honest. But my birthday is –no, it’s in two months. Yeah. I don’t know, but I’ll pay attention.

Kira: Yeah, yeah. Sometimes I’m a bit further than that, than four weeks..

Alejo: But you were born in North America– in the northern hemisphere, I mean–and then you moved to Australia. So do you still feel this attunement to spring? Or this kind of link to spring? Yes.

Kira: Yeah, it’s weird moving hemispheres. I don’t actually think it’s incredibly healthy for us. There’s questions of are you healthier living where you were born? I mean, astrologically, we would all look at our astrocartography. But there’s some ideas that your body is attuned to the atmosphere and the weather patterns of where you were born. And so moving yourself to somewhere quite different is actually not great for your health. It’s an interesting thought.

Alejo: Yeah, that’s interesting, because for me, it’s the opposite. I was born in South America and then I moved to the northern hemisphere.

Kira: Yeah, yes. Do you feel healthier or less healthy?

Alejo: To be honest, I feel healthier, yes.

Kira: I mean, I feel like Australia is home. I’ve been here for my whole adult life really and I absolutely love it. But spring and Aries season, to me, still is that northern hemisphere– I attune more to northern hemisphere seasons even though I live in the southern hemisphere. So yeah, like some weird dichotomy, and it’s not that I’m not here. I’m absolutely present in Sydney, it is my home. But yeah, the seasons feel easier in the northern hemisphere for me.

Alejo: Yeah, yeah. So what are your ideas of Aries? What are the images that you think of?

Kira: Yeah, it’s that bursting forth. We talk about the ram running head first, but it’s that popping of the season where all the trees and the plants pop in. And you have the birth of so many little animals, and it’s just a rebirth to me. Really. That’s the symbolism. It’s that vibrancy that’s been dormant and slowly germinating; actually gets above that surface. And we have that new growth, new ideas, new. Yeah, it just feels refreshing would be my word. What about you?

Alejo: I would say, yeah, the idea of renewal. Yes, I feel like we’re coming from Pisces. So I feel like the sense of kind of being more attuned with your inner world and your fantasies, and you’re needing to sleep to kind of be very much in touch with yourself. And maybe, you know, during Pisces season I always feel a bit overwhelmed by the outer world. And I think it’s because I feel this need to kind of retreat a little bit. Yeah. And then when Aries season comes in, I’m like, Yeah, let’s go out.

Kira: Yeah, yeah. And it is, it’s an action time, I feel like you can get so much more done. And, you know, somehow that new year starts, you know, in January, even though that’s not astrologically the new year, and then you kind of start to get going, and then I find February, March is like this weird blur, and we get a bit lost in that Pisces. And then we’re like, Oh, my God, how did we get to March 21st, or whatever day it changes each year. And we’re like, oh, and it’s like, we re-wake up. And you reset yourself into that next phase. I love the seasons, and operating off of the seasons. I think they’re so underrated for how we should do action or how we feel or how we, you know, I can’t help but bring in health as a medical astrologer, but how we do health per season. You know, there’s really different things to do to make your body feel better, depending on if you’re in deep winter, deep summer, spring. It’s that transition season. It’s a transition season. So it’s a great time to make changes. And then Aries comes in and you want to change everything at once.

Alejo: Yeah, I think it’s great. Okay, fantastic. So we usually look at classic Aries people. The first thing I thought of, so the first thing I was thinking was the idea of people who are pioneers. So I looked up (I used to be a flight attendant some years ago), so I looked up Wilbur Wright, who was the first human to fly, which is a bit of a contradiction, some people say it wasn’t him, really– but we don’t have the time. So we don’t know the Ascendant or anything. But we know he was an Aries, so I was like yes, I knew he was going to be an Aries.

Kira: It’s that belief, right? You know, Aries have these unnatural, not unnatural, but you know, big beliefs that they can do stuff too, right, you have that leap from Pisces possibility into Aries action. I love seeing that Aries pioneer energy, it’s amazing.

Alejo: Yeah. And I think also, it’s this idea that you cannot know how things are going to turn out unless you try them out. I think this is what’s wonderful about Aries, is that it’s action first.

Kira: Yeah. As an Aries sun, as we talked about before we started recording, absolutely. Why would you actually think about what the end game is? That’s not– Aries are never thinking of the end game. We’re just all about, oh, that sounds great. Let’s go do it. And then sometimes you go do stuff and then you’re like, Oh, how did I get here? Oops. I’ve got to figure out how the end game is gonna play out. But yeah, if we over thought that end game, we wouldn’t do stuff. Right? To me that feels like inertia, having to figure out the whole thing. Whereas that start just feels so great.

Alejo: Yeah, exactly. And sometimes I would say when you look at people who are entrepreneurs, usually these are people who know there are going to be risks, but they don’t try to control everything from the beginning. They just go and see what happens.

Kira: It’s that fire quest, that adventure. I think there’s an adventure to fire signs, or Aries specifically, where we’re willing to just go and do it. Because it’s not even about the end result, it’s about what’s happening as you do it.

Alejo: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So this guy Wilbur Wright at some point he said, Come on, let’s go and fly. Why not?

Kira: That is amazing. I’m still in awe when I’m in that big metal tube in the sky thinking, how did we even figure out how to fly that much weight of that many people. If you think about it, you wouldn’t get on a plane.

Alejo: Yeah, it’s amazing. Yeah. For me, you know, I had to study the– not deeply, but a little bit– the physics about it. And I could explain it to passengers who would ask me, and it was still a mystery. This is the logical side of it. But still a mystery. Yeah,

Kira: I know. I agree.

Alejo: So who is your favorite Aries? Not necessarily your favorite, but someone you like.

Kira: I often look at Lady Gaga’s chart. I think she is an absolute inspiration and she’s a classic pioneer, classic Aries. She’s just so out there doing it rather than overthinking it, and you have that fire changing all the time as well, that metamorphosis that always happens about her. Do you have her chart up?

Alejo: Yeah, I’m looking at her chart now. Yes. So if people want to cast her chart, she was born 28th of March, 1986 at 9:53am in Manhattan, New York. So she’s the sun in Aries with the moon in Scorpio and ascendant in Gemini. Right?

Kira: Yeah. But that Aries sun, seven degrees Aries sun, depending on the house system you’re looking at the 10th or the 11th house. It’s so dynamic. And Venus in Aries.

Alejo: Yeah. And I think she does have in her songs this idea of “you have the right to be whoever you want to be. Just be yourself. Express who you are.” These kinds of things.

Kira: Yeah. And she’s willing to be out front. I don’t know what the drive is behind it for her, but she’s really willing to be out there and risk. I love that.

Alejo: Remember when she went to this award gala with the dress made up of meat? Oh my god.

Kira: I really think you have to have a little bit. I mean, if you look at fire signs, fire signs rule the muscles of the body. So let me make this a bit easier for the vegetarians of the group. Yeah, fire rules muscle. And so I find it interesting that an Aries sun was willing to– you know, meat is muscle. She was wearing a muscle dress. If you look in some house systems, she’s an 11th house sun, only just, and part of me is like, yeah, that fits too. Right. Just willing to really be on that other level of “out there” with it.

Alejo: Yeah, completely. And also her Midheaven is in Pisces. And the ruler of her Gemini Ascendant is in Pisces– Mercury’s in Pisces. So I think that may also be why, even if she’s so challenging, perhaps, and so strong and so fierce. People get her.

Kira: They love her. I have to say when she first came on the scene, I was like, What is going on? It took me a while to concept where she was at, and then you just fall in love with her. She’s amazing. And she’s got that Jupiter conjunct that midheaven in Pisces as well.

Alejo: Yeah. I also didn’t like her at first when she first came out to the world. Yeah, I was like, Who is this?

Kira: Yeah, it was a bit much. She was. She was a lot to take. But yeah, and then you just, I don’t know. I think you see that Pisces in her more and more, maybe? I don’t know.

Alejo: Yeah, maybe? Yes. I think it’s the combination, I think she gets to combine the two, really.  Also in her video clips, the images she uses and everything, I think it has to do with being able to express all of this Aries in a very aesthetic way. Yeah.

Kira: Yeah. And then you add on, you know, she’s got Moon conjunct Pluto in Scorpio. And again, depending on what house system– what house do you have it in?

Alejo: I have it in equal, but let’s go with yours.

Kira: No, what house is her Moon sitting in for you?

Alejo: It’s in the fifth house.

Kira: Yeah. So for me, it’s also in the fifth. Yeah. I mean, her health stuff is really interesting to look at with this chart as well. I won’t go there. But that moon–Pluto, that’s intense. With the South Node right there, that fifth house creativity and what she went through, like if you go into her story of trying to get into music and an ex-boyfriend telling her that she would never be famous. No one would ever know who she was. She was a terrible singer. Like she had this ex-boyfriend who was really controlling and negative to her. She’s very Pluto–moon with the south node there in the fifth. So there was this whole wounding around that creativity.

Alejo: Yeah, well, interesting. But the fierce Aries keeps going.

Kira: You actually wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of her either. I mean, I’ve never even heard if she has a temper or not, but an Aries sun with a moon in Scorp. And moon conjunct Pluto? I don’t think I want to mess with her in the wrong way. Although you haven’t heard about many feuds with her or anything. You don’t hear about that. But yeah, yeah.

Alejo: Nice. Okay, great. I was also thinking of the chart of Maya Angelou. Yeah, she’s sun in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries.

Kira: Yeah, in the ninth, too. Yeah. I love that. I love that it’s in the ninth and that expression that got to so many of us on such a deep, spiritual level. I think her information really resonated. You know, she was very spoken word. I mean, she was a poet and a writer. But yet, she was almost that ninth house orator, there was so much meaning to everything she said; I love it.

Alejo: Yeah, yeah, she was. Yeah, she was fantastic. And I got a quote from her. She says, “courage is the most important of all the virtues. Because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. Practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.” Yes. Oh, that is so beautiful. I think she was very brave.

Kira: Very Aries. That’s a favorite word of mine: courage.

Alejo: I think that’s why we look up to Aries. Because they are brave, courageous. Yes.

Kira: You know, I don’t even think we’re that brave. I just think we don’t think and we do. And it looks courageous. But maybe sometimes it’s not so smart. But I know what you say. I know. Yeah. To not be able to take chances would be so boring.

Alejo: Yeah, exactly. All right. So we usually go for a section in which we think about things we could do in Aries season, like things that are aligned with Aries season. And of course, the first thing I thought was the idea of starting to go to the gym, going into sports. Yeah, like you’re saying, like New Year’s Eve, we make all of these goals that we want to do, I’m going to the gym and everything. I think a lot of people maybe sign up in January, but then in February they go out. Oh, yeah,

Kira: Oh yeah, and then Pisces, they just stay in bed and have some champagne.

Alejo: So we get to Aries, it’s like, come on, do the goals you had proposed to yourself for New Year.

Kira: And it’s a better time, really, energetically it’s a better time to put things into action. Yeah, the equinox and yeah, it’s just amazing. So yeah, going to the gym, doing anything with your muscles. Running, walking, hiking. Martial arts is a really classic Aries style. You know, anything that has an opponent or a battle in some ways, not that you have to be in battle. But yeah, something to challeng you is awesome. Kickboxing. I always go back to kickboxing in March, April. But you know, it’s also time to take care of yourself, you know, if we go for a non-combative idea, you know, everyone always says Oh, Aries is so selfish, but we’re self-focused. Because if we’re not balanced, we can’t give, if we don’t give to ourselves first it feels really awkward to give. And I like to look at that self care idea. And Aries is a time to take care of yourself, you’re in a growth phase, and you have to water your own soil and your own roots and who you are, in order to give to other people, you know, in the world of helping everybody else. You can’t pour from an empty cup. I think Aries season is a great time to fill your own cup.

Alejo: Hmm. I like that. Absolutely. Yeah.

Kira: Yeah. So whatever that is, reading your favorite books, sitting in the back, exercising, doing something with your diet, going and getting a massage– all these things sound a bit Taurus to me, but anyway, doing something for yourself to then be able to give more.

Alejo: Yeah, like pursue your desires, pursue what makes you be who you are. This is like what we’re saying with Lady Gaga. And one of the things we can say about her, we don’t know her, but she looks quite authentic. So this is the idea, follow your bliss, let’s say.

Kira: Yeah. Oh, and there’s another Aries. Joseph Campbell. Yeah, he’s one of my favorite Aries. Yes, there’s another Aries. And what a great tagline for him. Right? I  love his chart. I’m gonna pull his chart up while we talk. He’s like my most inspirational; you asked me earlier and I thought of Lady Gaga, but really, I’d go with Joseph Campbell.

Alejo: Yeah, it’s true, because he did this whole thing about the hero’s journey, which is very Aries. You know, I’m going to do a workshop on Joseph Campbell, the hero’s journey, and astrology at the end of the month. It’s very exciting. We know he’s an Aries. Yes, he has a lot of Aries. He’s a sun conjunct Jupiter. And I think it was Mercury also there in Aries. Yes. Yeah. Very tight. Like one degree or less conjunction?

Kira: Yeah. Yes. I feel like there was some Sag in there, too. But maybe it was a ninth house thing, I can’t remember.

Alejo: And he was very brave when he came up with this idea.

Kira: There’s a thing too, I think with Aries season, with that renewal and that energy that, you know, he put a lot of different parts together. And sometimes I think because Aries is so in the moment and doing that sometimes in that action they actually as much I was like, Oh, it’s a little child. they’re not sure what they’re doing– I find a lot of Aries have that ability to put together multiple layers and ideas and they collect all this information and then they come out with these new ideas, right? There you go. Mars in Aries as well. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars in the sixth. And moon in Leo. That’s it. I knew his moon was fire.

Alejo: Yeah, yeah. That’s a lot of fire. I like this idea of self care in Aries because I think one of the traits of Aries is honesty. So the idea of, okay, using this time to be honest with yourself, what is it that you want to do? What is it that you really want to do? And also, what is it that you need to achieve these goals? And are you willing to invest the effort and energy that it takes?

Kira: Yeah, and I know I’m jumping ahead, but we have an eclipse. I mean, we have the ingress into Aries and then we have the new moon, is it like an hour after the ingress or something really close? I follow a few people that do more astrological magic and different rituals in astrology and they’re talking about how this ingress into Aries with that new moon is just such a potent day for all of us. I think it would be a great day for us all to take off and don’t go anywhere and create for ourselves and really re-engage. I think if you look at that Aries zero degree, it’s the beginning of the whole Zodiac. It’s the beginning of a big cycle, I reckon. Yeah. And then the nodes coming in really soon after that, right?

Alejo: Exactly. Yes. So the 20th of March, sun goes into Aries. And on the 21st we have the new moon. So it’s like you were saying, it’s like the New Moon is at zero degrees 49 minutes. So it’s like right there.

Kira: Yes, in Australia, it’s on the same day, but I could be wrong.

Alejo: Ah, sure. It’s the same day.

Kira: Because we’re ahead of you. So for us, the ingress is on the 21st. I feel like… I’d have to look it up.

Alejo: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So probably the same day. Yeah. But anyway, it’s what you said. It’s like hours later, you just have the new moon. Yeah. It’s like a super new start on so many different levels. Also this new moon, it’s moon-sun in Aries, Mercury in Aries, Chiron in Aries, Jupiter in Aries.

Kira: That’s a stellium, man, what a stellium.

Alejo: It’s like super fiery. Yes.

Kira: Actually, I’m wrong. It is almost a day later. I’m trying to look at it.

Alejo: Okay, and then while you pull it up, on another interesting point, I think is that the New Moon is ruled by this Mars in Gemini, at the last degrees finally, and it’s going to go into Cancer. So when we get to the full moon, Mars is already in Cancer.

Kira: Yeah. I’m ready for it to move to the next sign. I know Mars in Cancer isn’t the world’s easiest placement, as you would say. But I think we’re done with Mars in Gemini. I’m done!

Alejo: Yeah, I think we are done. And what do you think? How would you take this new moon? What would you say? How would you see it?

Kira: Let me go back to it. Yeah. So it’s four in the morning for me in Australia, the new moon.

Alejo: Are you gonna wake up to do a magical ritual at four in the morning?

Kira: Probably, yeah, it’s like 3:30 or four o’clock in the morning. Well, I got a lot of Aries, I can wake up at five really easily. So to get up at four is not gonna be too bad. I say that now, I’ll probably be asleep. But um, what do I think about it? I mean, well it depends where you are. I mean, I’m looking at it for me in Australia, and it’s Aquarius rising, it’s a second house– I’m using Placidus, otherwise it would jump to the third house for a lot of other placements– but like I said, I just think it’s the beginning of a really big shift, we got all these other shifts, right? Saturn has moved now into Pisces, this is just before Pluto moves into Aquarius. I just feel like there’s this whole momentum. It’s this whole swell of change happening. And I think it’s kicking off that whole energy. I’m really fascinated by what’s going to happen. I think things are going to speed up, we’re going to have a lot more. As always, we’re gonna have more action, we’re in Aries, but I just think there’s going to be some bigger changes quickly that we’re not expecting. I don’t even know in what area but yeah, we got Pluto moving into Aquarius. I’m interested to see what’s going to happen. Yeah.

Alejo: Yeah, I agree with you. And I was thinking when you were saying this, I was thinking about everything that’s happening with the economy. I think it has more to do with Saturn in Pisces. But maybe there’s more to come with this change of Pluto into Aquarius. And what I was thinking when I was looking at this new moon is this sense of you were saying that it is this new moon happens right after the beginning of the year. So I feel like it’s seeding the spirit for the whole year in some ways. So I think New Moons have this sense of integrity of kind of joining together your more conscious and unconscious side. This is obviously coming from psychological astrology. So I have this sense of integrity, like it’s a calling to, again, to be honest with yourself. This is the year in which you’re allowed to try to be yourself or to try to really be honest with yourself, like whatever you feel to make it aligned to what your goals are and how you express yourself out there.

Kira: Yeah, and with Pluto going into Aquarius at the same time, basically, I think that’s going to enable us to do that better. You know, I think Pluto in Capricorn keeps us very staid and study and we’re thinking about the economy and we’re thinking about structures, and then it moves into Aquarius, and it’s like, well, I’m gonna swear here, but what the fuck are we gonna do? Like, let’s go, let’s go. This is a whole nother level of plugging us in to society. And I’m kind of excited. And then with the nodes coming through, I can’t remember when they’re happening, and the North Node going into Aries is just going to add, it’s going to pull us in that direction. I’m a little worried. I’m gonna go back to COVID and all of us being in lockdown. And I feel like, and maybe this is just being in Sydney, but I feel like people have gone one of two ways with COVID. We’ve either gone a lot more global, and we’re more courteous to each other. And we’re more aware of each other as a society and supporting each other. And then I think there’s another group of people that went into this fear, and it’s all about them. And it’s just me, me, me. And I find people, like with driving, I live in a major city with a lot of traffic, people are either super rude and selfish, or they’re incredibly courteous. And it’s what’s polarized us is in a lot of things. And I think with all this Aries energy coming, hopefully that’s not going to accentuate that polarization. But I think we’re also gonna see a lot of true colors of people, I think.

Alejo: Yeah, I think so too. I agree. And the full moon, when we get to the full moon, we get to Libra, right? So I always have this idea that with the new moon in Aries, we’re given this opportunity to figure out who we are and what we want. And because Mars is still in Cancer ruling this– sorry, in Gemini ruling this new moon– we can kind of rationalize and think about it. We’ve been thinking about drives, like you were saying, for a very long time. When we get to the full moon, we get to involve Aries into the equation. And Mars, who’s still going to be the ruler let’s say of the sun, is going to be in Cancer. So I think there is the sense of okay, but your drives and desires and your wishes are not just your own. There are other people around. So how do you manage that? And you were mentioning the pandemic and I think for me, one of the key learning lessons was how to cope with people who really don’t think the way I think and how not to be drastic, how not to start thinking in these terms like you’re either with me or against me. And becoming very, very obsessed.

Kira: Yeah. Yeah. So do you think this is going to bring it out even more?

Alejo: I think it’s gonna bring it out even more, because I think Pluto when it goes into Aquarius, Pluto goes into Aquarius on the 23rd. And I think it’s going to bring out fundamentalism. I was looking at the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, and it was during the French Revolution. And one of the problems with the French Revolution is that you were either in favor of the revolution and you were against. And if you criticized a little thing about the revolution, then you are an enemy. It’s like how are you criticizing what we’re doing?

Kira: So and it was the American Revolution as well. And that was very polarized around the same time, 1770s. You had all these revolutions happening and other astrologers have talked about that with Pluto moving into Aquarius. My thing that pops into my mind when you’re talking about that is the whole cancel culture that we’ve come into and is it going to get even worse, or has the pendulum swung and once we get into Aquarius, hopefully we’ll see it in a different way. It’s been so drastic, you know, if you’re not doing the right thing, and people are trying, and yes, sure there’s people to be canceled, but who are we to judge each other? I feel like there’s been a lot of judgment since the pandemic or at the end of Pluto in Capricorn. So what’s gonna happen with it moving into Aquarius? Are we going to be able to see that bigger picture? Are we going to be better about it with humanity and gentler on each other? Or are we going to have something even bigger going on? There’s so many extreme people at the moment, I find it really scary. I’m not a polar person. I get nervous.

Alejo: Yeah. I mean for myself, I try not to be polarized. But I can see sometimes, you meet people who have this extreme, rigid way of thinking, and sometimes they are people you love. And it was like, How do I manage to accept? Yeah, yes.

Kira: That’s unconditional love. That’s what we need to find. Right?

Alejo: And also, how do we manage to love them unconditionally? But then also, what does it imply? Because sometimes you have this feeling like, should these people be allowed to say these things, like when people are very extremely violent?

Kira: Oh, yeah, whether it’s violence, violence against women, violence against the whole trans movement, and then the people that are really polarized against it, especially in the US, it’s just frightening. It’s absolutely frightening how judgy people are about other people. And maybe in Aries, we stop. I would love– I mean, this is again, my little Pisces rising coming out, ‘can’t you all be nice?’ Maybe we start focusing on ourselves, rather than pulling apart other people’s decisions, because we should all be able to make our own decisions, right? Whether it’s gender, sexuality, hopefully with this coming into Aquarius we’re gonna let people do what they need to do with themselves, right?

Alejo: We’ll see. We’ll see what happens. But I think it’s interesting. So on the 23rd, Pluto goes into Aquarius. And I think, we need to see for a personal level, because we can talk also about macro level, but then in micro level, I would say pay attention to things that happened to you on that day, because it might symbolize how your relationship with Pluto– because for us astrologers, beginnings are so important, so how your relationship with Pluto and Aquarius is going to be for the next 20 years.

Kira: Yeah. Yeah. We’re setting up what’s your next 20 years is going to be about. You know, what house is that in for you? What is it aspecting? I was relieved that three quarters of my chart is cardinal and I’ve hopefully survived through a bit.

Alejo: So now Saturn is in Pisces. But you said you have Pisces rising?

Kira: Yeah. Yeah. It’s always gonna happen. Right? We always got our transits. You know, if I look at my progressed chart, it’s all fixed. So I gotta not speak too soon.

Alejo: Yeah. So for this new moon, from a medical perspective, since you are a medical astrologer, do you have any thoughts?

Kira: Well, one of my favorite things to do is to look at where the New Moon is sitting in your chart, what house is that activating? And how can I express my health through that stage? Or through that agenda of whatever house it’s in? Because it’s in Aries for all of us. But is it going to be in your first house, which is more about self, or is it going to be in the fifth and you need to go out dancing and being creative and listening to music? I’m a fan of doing things to express it house-wise. I was talking about planets being heard. I know we’re talking about the New Moon, but we’re in this whole symphony, this whole natal chart that has to work together, but every planet wants a solo, every planet wants to be heard. And I always talk about supporting planets in the house they’re in, in the sign they’re in for their expression, and then when we have a new moon like this, it is so potent. How does that want to be seen in the house that it’s in for you? And that’s where I would really focus on health. You know, if it’s in the sixth house, it’s really getting down to the detail of your diet and your daily ritual and your daily patterns and it’s your small intestines and what you’re eating and how your body is reacting on a daily basis to your health. Whereas if it was in the ninth house that’s much more about sport and adventure and maybe not abusing your liver too much. Yeah, that would be my suggestion for people, is what’s it activating? And because it is activating for the next year.

Alejo: Yeah. Yeah. Nice. Great idea. So look at your chart where you have zero degrees Aries, which house that is, and that’s going to be activated with this new moon.

Kira: Yeah, yeah. And that really is a place to support yourself because it is Aries, it’s about the self, take yourself out for a dinner or a walk or whatever it is that would make that area happy.

Alejo: Nice. Some people use the new moon for six months, some people use it for nine months. And in this case, we’re talking about this idea that it’s the New Moon for the whole year because it’s just  starting. What would you say? Like, for how long should we focus on that?

Kira: Oh, I would say it’s impossible to have goals for six months or a year, I would bring it back to the month. We’re such cyclical people. I love using lunar cycles for health. I’m a huge fan of that new moon to the full moon is that building, that’s where we can work really hard on our health. And then from the full moon to the new moon again, relax a little bit. If I do weight loss with clients, I know this is gonna jump topics here, but I’m a huge fan of cyclical dieting, like if someone came in like, “I want to lose weight.” Nobody loves being on a diet for 10 weeks or 12 weeks, or no one follows a diet for that long, right? We can’t do that. We get bored. There’s this research around cyclical dieting, having nothing to do with astrology, but putting people on a weight loss program, two weeks on two weeks off two weeks on two weeks off. And they end up with better results than the people that do like 12 weeks straight because they get to take a break. And they don’t feel restricted all the time. So I overlap that with the lunar cycle. Whereas some people like No, no, you need to be losing weight from the full moon to the new moon, because that’s when the moon is getting smaller, and it’s shedding. And I agree and I get that idea. But I actually like doing new to full, because that’s when you have the strength and you’re more badass to stick to something more strict. So I use that a lot for people. And I think this is a great one to focus on. But I’m a huge fan of focusing only a month ahead.

Alejo: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It’s great. I like it a lot, actually. Yeah. So we have the new moon on the 21st of March– I’m gonna rush a little bit because I want to get to the eclipse chart– on the 23rd, Pluto goes into Aquarius. On the 25th Mars goes into Cancer. So I guess we’re all gonna feel that change after Mars being in Gemini for so long. Then, on the third of April, Mercury goes into Taurus, sixth of April, well maybe in your time zone, it’s going to change a little bit, these dates– sixth of April, we get the full moon with the moon in Libra. 11 of April, we have Venus in Gemini. So Venus goes to Gemini from Taurus. And then on the 20th of April, just before the sun goes to Taurus, we have a new moon with a solar eclipse. So we’re starting our eclipse season here. Did you have any thoughts about the chart? So the first thing we were talking about is this idea of the 29 degrees, because the eclipse is happening at 29 degrees 50 minute. So we’re talking about this idea of, you know, some astrologers pay a lot of attention to the 29 degrees sign. I love your story about it.

Kira: I’m not against the tradition of anaretic; I get it. I’m going to say when I was a baby astrologer, and I first learned about that, I was like, What do you mean there’s a negative degree? And I might get all the reasons why people say it. But I jokingly said–and I’m not saying this is fact, this is making stuff up– but I was like, maybe the person that decided that was really angry at somebody else who had a lot of 29 degrees in their chart. And so they made it up. Because I just was like, That’s so mean. So it’s like, maybe someone just made that up to get back at somebody else. But I know that’s not the case and there’s a lot of reasons for it. I’m not going against that. But there’s other astrologers that talk about it being this potent degree, it’s this distillation of knowledge, that you’ve been through a whole degree, and then you’re at this potent moment, that it’s so intensely that sign at 29. Maybe that’s why part of it looks anaretic. It’s just too much for some people, maybe. But yeah, there’s some astrologers that talk about it just being this really potent degree, it knows what it’s doing at that level. And yeah, it’s awkward right before change. It’s about to stop being what it is and move to something else. But I don’t know, how do you feel about 29?

Alejo: Yeah, well, I like this idea of looking at the dignities. So if the moon is at 29 of Aries, it means that she’s going to go into Taurus, which she probably likes. So I would say that it’s a moment in which we feel like our inner selves are kind of accelerating and anxious to move forward. That’s what I would think. Yeah.

Kira: I like that idea. Yeah. And it will feel better when it moves. But yeah, I think there’s something we always need to learn from the 29th degree, it just doesn’t always feel great. That’s really how I sit right? What did we need to learn during Aries? That now has got to 29. And if we haven’t learned our lesson, or what was what was meant to be found during that process through that sign, maybe that’s why the 29th can feel so anaretic. It’s like making sure you learn what you needed to learn before it moves on. And I’ve never thought about it that way, that just kind of came up now. It’s an Aries making stuff up. But you know, maybe that’s why it hurts sometimes. I think it’s making sure we learn it.

Alejo: Yeah. So if we go back to the new moon at the beginning of the Aries season, and then the Aries season is ending with this other New Moon at 29 degrees of Aries, which is not just the new moon, it’s an eclipse moon. Maybe there is this kind of, like you were saying, take this month to really look after yourself to find what you really want to do. Because otherwise the eclipse might feel very, very challenging. Like things are about to change and you were given this month to explore who you are and what you want.

Kira: The nodes are still Taurus–Scorpio at that point. But if you take that Aries–Libra energy, it’s that real dichotomy of self versus other and what did we need to learn there? What did we need to learn to balance, and it’s going to be a potent eclipse, I reckon. Yeah, the beginning of that eclipse season is big. Yeah.

Alejo: Yeah, I think so too. Even if the nodes are in Taurus–Scorpio, the North Node is going to be ruled by Venus in Gemini. And the south node is going to be ruled, depending on how you take it, by Mars in Cancer or Pluto in Aquarius, who has just entered into Aquarius. So I think this focus of other people around is emphasized, still emphasized. Yeah. Cancer is about belonging. Gemini is about how we communicate with others. And Aquarius is about society.

Kira: Yeah. Yeah. So there’s some lessons to be learned there and deep lessons with that South Node still being in Scorpio. That’s deep. And it’s basically squaring to Pluto. I hadn’t really looked at the chart much before yesterday. And I’m like, Oh, wow, let’s stay inside that day.

Alejo: Well, but I think also, you know, I have this feeling, you were talking about the 29 degree being this moment in which we realize things are about to change. And I have this feeling this is the beginning of the New World. Maybe I’m too epic, but–

Kira: I love that; I love the way you said that.

Alejo: Like Saturn now moved to Pisces, Pluto moved to Aquarius, Mars is in Cancer, and we have this eclipse at the end of Aries. So it’s like, it’s the end of the beginning. This is the idea. It’s the end of the beginning of the new world that we have been kind of getting ready for during the past years, I would say.

Kira: And, you know, if you look at Pluto in medical astrology, Pluto is birth and death. It’s genetics, it’s the fusing of your DNA, it’s like the making of a baby, it’s like egg and sperm coming together in that whole genetic dance of DNA that happens. But it’s also detoxification and getting rid of your shit. Like literally getting rid of your shit. And this catharsis, this is a potent point we’re coming into, right? Detox, not detox like, Oh, my God, you need to go off alcohol. Detox is the body getting rid of the junk and the garbage that we no longer need. It’s getting rid of toxic material that’s harming us or would harm us if it stayed in the body. And it’s how to get it out of the body. And so I think there’s a lot of that to come of just moving stuff through and out and maybe throwing some stuff out, whether they be ideas or physical things, or society doing that. I think that’s big.

Alejo: Yeah, I love this idea, actually, because the south node is in Scorpio, and the North Node is in Taurus, and the eclipse is happening close to the north node. So my feeling is the calling is to go towards the north node to leave the Scorpio behind. So perhaps, to leave behind…. I was gonna say toxicity. I didn’t know how to say it.

Kira: Pluto rules stuff coming out of the body, it’s feces, it’s urine, it’s sweat, it’s snot coming out of your nose, your body’s so smart and self cleaning and regulating and it knows what to get rid of. And with this trigger of the nodes, especially because that north node is where we bring energy in and the south node is where we have to release stuff from so we’re having this kind of double release going on.

Alejo: Nice. And I like the idea of what you said like not only physically, also mentally, maybe spiritually, emotionally. Yeah.

Kira: Yeah. Especially with it in Aquarius. There’s a lot of mental there as well. What are our thoughts that need to be changed and grow? What needs to grow?

Alejo: Yeah, I would say what promotes life with Aries and Taurus being emphasized? The idea of life is beginning, what promotes life? What promotes growth? Growth in a sense of life thriving, not in a sense of monetary growth, maybe.

Kira: But you need to release, cells need to die before new cells become, there’s a whole process in the body.

Alejo: Nice. Great. And then a few hours later, the sun will go into Taurus, and we’re gonna have a new podcast for that. So we usually look at some dates in which we think maybe good for some stuff. So there’s a trine between Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces that stays for many days since the beginning of the season. So it depends on the orb that people use. But on the 29th of March this trine becomes quite exact and it picks up a sextile to Mercury in Aries, so it’s making a minor grand trine, so this would be Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, Mercury in Aries. And I was thinking I wasn’t sure I wanted to put it or not because of what you said Mars in Cancer it’s so, oh, it’s not a good Mars. But I don’t like to follow things like that much, to be honest. I was thinking this could actually be a moment in which you know, Mars and Saturn so it’s like you can actually structure your inner desires because it’s in water, like what your emotions are thriving for, and with Mercury in Aries, to put it out there, to be very clear what you feel and what you need and be very honest about it with other people. So I think it could be a good chance a good moment to talk about your feelings.

Kira: And with that Saturn, finding the boundaries of how you feel, I think with Saturn in Pisces, some people are like oh my gosh, it’s such an odd placement after having Saturn in its home signs for so long, but it brings some protection.The way I like to think of it in a positive way is Saturn is form and structure and it creates boundaries in the sign that has terrible boundaries and so I think maybe we can put into words or put into place or practice, we can contain and understand in a different way with Saturn in Pisces and that Mercury in Aries at the same time.I think we might actually be able to be a bit insightful and find words for what usually is so elusive for us.

Alejo: Yeah, I agree.

Kira: Right? Yeah. That Pisces is so hard to grasp what you mean and maybe that grounds us a bit. A little live on some social media platform I was talking about Saturn in Pisces is a time to rest. So now I’m going opposite to all this Aries stuff I was talking about. But Saturn is your original ruler of sleep. Like if you go back in traditional astrology before we had Neptune and the moon is really about nighttime and we have Neptune in dreams. But Saturn is about sitting still and resting and sleep. And I think there’s this pulling in energy with Saturn in Pisces where I think it’s a good time to find your boundaries so that you’re not being over drained and resting when you need to rest.

Alejo: And yeah, I don’t think it’s contradictory because you were talking about the Aries thing. But you made this emphasis of the cycles, of the idea of maybe focusing on Aries for this 14 days, but Saturn is going to be in Pisces for two years and a half. So yeah, yeah.

Kira: Yeah, I’m kind of very excited for Saturn in Pisces, actually.

Alejo: Yeah, I think it’s beautiful. Yes. I think it’s beautiful. Then on the second of April, I got this idea. The moon is going to go into Virgo, and it’s going to trine Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Taurus. So, the moon goes into Virgo on the second of April. And I think these few days, the second, the third, the fourth of April, may be nice days to reflect, because it’s the idea of the moon, reflect your needs about perhaps relationships, with Venus there and what you might need to change in that to make it work. And also I would say your relationship with money, with Venus in Taurus, because Venus is not just relationships, I think it’s also how we relate to money. And I don’t know, the Moon in Virgo wanting to be practical, and wanting to be effective, with this trine to Uranus and Venus in Taurus, I think there might be this idea. I like that.

Kira: And it’s Uranus, it’s radical. It’s like big, big thoughts. Big, big way to look at it, or big change, even though it’s Taurus and doesn’t want to do big change very quickly. But yeah.

Alejo: But to start reflecting on that, what you need to change to feel satisfied in relationships and also in money wise. Yes.

Kira: Yeah. And you know, that Uranus enables you to do radical change. In medical astrology, Uranus transits allow people to do massive lifestyle changes that they’ve never been able to do before. And it’s like this lightning bolt of action for people. So I think that’s gonna be a bit interesting. Activating that radical ability to change, if you so desire.

Alejo: Because on the 4th, actually, depending on the orb, it’s going to pick up Pluto at the beginning of Aquarius. So it’s like a grand trine between Venus, the moon and Pluto. So I think it’s emphasizing this idea of the opportunity of radical change.

Kira: I think Pluto in Aquarius is gonna bring yeah, oh, my gosh, a lot of radical coming. Hopefully, radical change, not just crazy radical.

Alejo: Nice. Okay, we are kind of wrapping up now. And we always leave with a kind of mantra or a kind of phrase or something to kind of sum up. I had thought one, but I don’t think it applies so much with what we’ve been discussing. I have thought of something which is coming from Gestalt therapy by Fritz Perls. And it says, “I do my thing, and then you do your thing. I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you’re not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped.” I like this idea because I was thinking of the idea of the Aries–Libra axis. So this idea of I am here, you are there. But perhaps we could come up with something that has to do with this idea of cleansing.

Kira: Do you need a quote on cleansing? I have a Joseph Campbell quote. “Out of perfection nothing can be made. Every process involves breaking something up. The earth must be broken to bring forth life. If the seed does not die, there is no plant. Bread results from the death of wheat. Life lives on lives. Our own life lives on the backs of other people. If you are life worthy, you can take it.”

Alejo: I love it. And I think it really applies to what we’ve been discussing.

Kira: It’s very Aries. Yeah. It’s sitting on my computer. I leave one quote sitting on my computer at the moment.

Alejo: Nice. I love it. Great. Are you reading anything right now? We always share if you’re reading anything, or if you’ve read something interesting in the past weeks?

Kira: I have not been reading anything astrologically… I’ve been reading a lot of research on circadian rhythms, and this applies to astrology, and how cyclical we are, whether it be our sleep wake cycle, or our digestive cycle or for you know, women and people with uteruses, their menstrual cycle. And I’ve just been reading on how it gets set and how to change it and it’s pretty fascinating how cyclical we are. And then I love that because in a way, to me, it adds to astrology because astrology is all about cycles. So that’s what I’ve been reading on. Satchin Panda is actually the professor I’ve been reading.

Alejo: Nice. I’ve been reading The Theogony by Hesiod. I mean re-reading. And I love it because for him, Eros is not the son of Aphrodite, he’s one of the primal gods, he is one of the forces that moves the universe. And I love it. It’s fantastic.

Kira: And you’re in Greece, right? So oh, my gosh, soaking up all of that mythology. I have global placement envy.

Alejo: Yeah, you should come. Alright, great. So that was really fun. Thank you. It was really fun. How can people find you? Do you have any upcoming events?

Kira: So my website and my Instagram is @astrologyofhealth. So you can find me there. Or if you just Google me, you’ll find it. What do I have coming up? I’m in the middle of doing a five week level three medical astrology that I just teach myself through my own school. And then I’m going to be in London in May June lecturing at the London School of Astrology. I’ve got stuff coming up with Kepler. I got stuff all over the place. Always, always medical. Yeah.

Alejo: Nice. So people can go to your website, Astrology of Health?

Kira: You can see all the stuff that’s coming up there. That’s probably a better way to see it. Yeah.

Alejo: Great. Okay, great. Thank you. So in Astrology University, what we have coming up is on the 22nd of March, there’s going to be a course starting, which is an Introduction to Electional Astrology with Mary Shea, which I think it’s this idea of Aries and beginnings, that’s why I thought it’s interesting to share this course. And then on the 25th of March, there’s a summit with a lot of astrologers, Kelly Surtees, Mark Jones, Lynn Bell, Steven Forrest, Darby Costello, a lot of them about Pluto in Aquarius. So I would advise everyone to see it. If you want to get in touch with me, my webpage is Liminal Cosmos, on the 30th of March I’m teaching this webinar about the astrology of the hero’s journey to the Faculty of Astrological Studies. And then on the second of April, I’m teaching a webinar about the difference between signs and houses, which I think is important. Okay, great. So, thank you, everyone, for listening. Thank you Kira so much. This was amazing.

Kira: Thank you for having me.

Alejo: I love your vibrant energy. Yes, now I feel like I’m gonna go for a run. You know, I’d be like, yes.

Kira: It’s so funny. That’s your morning too. Yeah.

Alejo: Yes. All right. Thank you very much.

Tony: Thanks for tuning in to the Astrology University Podcast. I’m the founder Tony Howard. Head over to, where you can find webinars and courses to help deepen your study of astrology. Study with some of the best astrologers in the field and check out our diploma program. For those of you interested in working professionally. We’re in developing the skill to analyze charts for yourself, your friends and family. Hope to see you in class soon and until then, take good care.

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