Chart Interpretation 1: The Planets

taught by Kelly Surtees

Course Description

This online class with Kelly Surtees is a deep dive into the meaning of the most important symbols in astrology: the planets. Discover the 10 major planets and learn how to interpret their placements. You’ll learn how signs and houses alter their meaning and how to evaluate planetary strength.

The material in this course will form the bedrock of your astrological interpretation skills. Kelly will provide you with the strong foundation you’ll need as you go on to add additional techniques and skills to your repertoire.

You’ll get:

  • all video and audio recordings 
  • handouts and reading materials
  • online access to course lessons doesn’t expire
  • online course platform tracks your progress through the lessons so when you login, you can jump in where you left off
  • online course discussion area
  • Includes 4 lessons 90-minutes each plus reading and homework assignments.

Instructor: Kelly Surtees
Level: Beginner
Pre-recorded for instant access. Register and get started on this course today!

Plus these two additional bonuses!
Includes Kelly’s 1 hour 36 minute long presentation “Rulership of the Houses for Beginners.” Learn planetary rulership from the ground up in this special webinar with Kelly Surtees. You’ll learn a traditional approach to planetary rulership of the houses for use in modern chart interpretation. Using the whole sign house system, you’ll learn a simple approach to house rulership, where each house is associated with one sign. Learn why the planet that rules the sign associated with each house is so important. Learn which rulers to use for each sign, and how the planet ruling each sign relates to the topics associated with the house it rules.

What people are saying about this course…

Practical, methodical and fun! Just what I was looking for!

“I want to extend a HUGE thank you for this whole course. It is exactly what I have been looking for in terms of making sense of everything in a really practical, methodical and fun way. Before accessing your courses and workshops I kept getting lost down the rabbit hole of information and although it was super interesting, I didn’t feel like I was really getting anywhere in terms of applying it properly. You are an absolute godsend and I hope you know how amazing you are at what you do! Thank you for making all of this information accessible and easy to understand. I hope you can feel the lovebombing and the gratitude I’m sending all the way from OZ!” -Rhianna M., Australia

Kelly Surtees
Kelly Surtees

Senior Instructor

Kelly Surtees is a counselling astrologer and writer who splits her time between Sydney, Australia and Toronto, Canada. She is an inspiring teacher, who loves to share astrology with students and clients. With more than 15 years in private practice, Kelly is experienced, warm, friendly and insightful. Kelly’s passion for astrology is infectious, and her intention with every course is to help students like you deepen their understanding of astrology. Past students of Kelly’s are using astrology to help others around the world. Kelly teaches with a traditional focus, grounding ancient philosophy into modern life. You’ll learn how to express the language of the sky clearly and with purpose. Kelly’s insight and knowledge is matched by her skill as a clear, accessible teacher. You’ll have fun, learn and grow as a person by studying with Kelly.
"I want to extend a HUGE thank you for this whole course. It is exactly what I have been looking for in terms of making sense of everything in a really practical, methodical and fun way. Before accessing your courses and workshops I kept getting lost down the rabbit hole of information and although it was super interesting I didn't feel like I was really getting anywhere in terms of applying it properly. It is quite overwhelming attempting to make sense of the absolute plethora of information out there. Thank you for making all of this information accessible and easy to understand. I hope you can feel the love-bombing and the gratitude I'm sending all the way from OZ! "
by Rhianna Mot
"This format meets with all my requirements and I feel lucky and privileged to have the opportunity to attend these Astrology classes. Lucky because Kelly accommodates her Australian students so they can listen to her in 'real time' because she does the LIVE cast at a compatible time for everyone. Privileged because Kelly shares her wealth of knowledge, extra notes, class PP slides and much more. Kelly provides an opportunity to ask questions any time through the class and answers all students with thoughtfulness and profound knowledge. The beauty of this Webinar is you can take the classes from the comfort of your own environment, it is an international experience where we learn from teachers and students from around the globe, and where we can keep in constant touch with Astrology through internationally renowned quality teachers. So the miles travelled is to my desk in the study, or the local library when I need access to their WiFi :)"
by Nadia Marcinkowski

“To live one’s life in terms of the revelatory message symbolically implied in one’s birth chart is to live a life in terms of the sacred character of existence.


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+1 (720) 663-1790‬

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