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The Inflation-Recession Struggle Between Jupiter and Saturn


Jupiter moves on from the boom-bust, innovative conjunction with Uranus and onto a tense square with serious Saturn.
Will authoritative economic figures be able to walk the line between inflation and economic growth? Or, will the economy slip into a recession?
The Inflation-Recession Struggle Between Jupiter and Saturn $35.00

with Gianni Di Poce

Jupiter moves on from the boom-bust, innovative conjunction with Uranus and onto a tense square with serious Saturn.
Will authoritative economic figures be able to walk the line between inflation and economic growth? Or, will the economy slip into a recession?
This webinar will provide an update on the geocosmic, cyclical, and technical outlook for stock markets, cryptocurrency, interest rates, real estate, commodities, and more over the next 6-12 months, especially with regard to the most lucrative upcoming financial opportunities.

Pre-recorded for instant access | 1 hr 15 mins
$35 | includes streaming access and transcript

No need to attend live. All participants will receive access to stream or download the webinar.
Live closed captioning through Zoom.
Allow up to 12 days after the webinar for the transcript to be available in your account.

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