Virtual Astrology Summit Archives

Join some of the best Western astrologers in the world for a series of inspiring talks to help deepen your experience through major astrological shifts! You can now get instant access to our library of inspiring talks from every virtual summit.

Pluto in Aquarius

Titanic Shifts and Collective Opportunities

As Pluto changes signs, it signals the dawn of an important new era, in which the collective is charged with integrating this potentially transformational energy in a new way. Over the many years of Pluto’s time in Aquarius we might ask – who are we in these societal contexts? What is our social responsibility? What is our part to play as an individual member of the local community, the national community, the global community?

These inspiring talks will help you reflect on the changes at hand and to find ways to
consciously participate in the co-creative process of healing and transformation signaled by this unique planetary body. 

Astrology + Relationships

Exploring our connections

Astrology is a wonderful tool for personal growth. We can look to our own birth chart to discover ways to feel more in alignment with our highest potential and  discover ways to feel more in alignment with our highest potential and to live from a place of deep authenticity. Likewise, we can use astrology for insights into our relationships with others, whether those are romantic partners, family members, soul family, co-workers or friends. 

In this summit, 12 top astrologers explore relationships from many angles; mother-daughter relationships, romantic pairings, family dynamics and even the experience of “higher love”.

These inspiring talks will help you deepen your experience in relationships, explore and understand your interpersonal connections, heal disconnection and find ways of showing up in more authentic ways yourself.

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Astrology + World Events 2020-2021

Challenges and opportunities

With every year that passes, we might reflect on the pivotal and life-changing events that transpired. But certain years stand out as especially dramatic or overflowing with developmental pressures. 2020 will be remembered as one of those years. As astrologers we knew this, and that’s why we got a head start with the conversation in last year’s summit. But it’s not over yet!

Astrology has been used for hundreds of years to analyze collective cycles of change and crisis, to examine the charts of world leaders and timing of events in their lives, and to understand global shifts and cultural sea-changes. Astrology helps us engage with our present to change our future in concert with the unfolding planetary energies. 

In this summit, join several wise astrologers who are skilled at analyzing collective transits, mundane astrology and archetypal change. We’ll also hear from cutting edge astrologers in the trenches of establishing change in our culture as we speak.

These inspiring talks will help you engage and participate in the co-creative process that is always available to each of us when we learn to listen to the cosmos.

2020: Epic Cycles of change and renewal

Aligning Intention with Vision and Action

One of astrology’s best gifts is providing us with a window into the shifting dynamics long-term cycles. Astrology allows us to review the past for deeper understanding, and carry that insight into the present, as we make choices today that will forever impact our future. 

Looking forward, we can prepare and align ourselves with the energy to come. While life will always present events that are outside our control, knowing the quality of the energy of the times can help us find deeper understanding and acceptance, which in turn can positively inform our actions.

Join some of the best Western astrologers on the planet as we explore the epic cycles of growth, change and renewal unfolding in 2020. We’ll look at the biggies: Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn, plus the “kingmaker” grand conjunction cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius that follows.

Finding the Life You Were Born to Live

Astrology, Life Purpose and Destiny

Many seekers discover astrology while looking for answers to life’s biggest questions: Why am I here? What is my life purpose? Am I destined to live out a pre-determined fate, or can I use free will to do whatever I dream is possible?

These age-old questions capture our imagination and lead to endless speculation and philosophizing. But can astrology provide us some solid answers?

Join 14 of the best Western astrologers on the planet as we explore this endlessly fascinating subject.

Breakthrough + Transformation

Inspiring Stories of Astrology in Action

There are times in life when we’re tested to our core – dark nights of the soul, and challenging circumstances that leave us feeling wounded, lost, or broken. And then… some of us reach deep within to find inner resources we didn’t know were there. Somehow we meet just the right people who shift our perspective, or we miraculously find a light inside that helps us take the next step toward a new life.

One of astrology’s best gifts is providing us with insight into cycles. We see our experience in the context of a longer unfolding of time, and this perspective helps us make empowering new choices, or understand our past experience in a new light. 

While life will always present events that are outside our control, knowing the quality of the energy of the times can help us find deeper understanding and acceptance, which in turn can positively inform our actions.

Join some of the best Western astrologers on the planet as we explore inspiring stories of people who have faced adversity and come out the other side – changed, transformed, and a source of inspiration for the rest of us.

Astrology the Earth, and You

Join us for a special four-webinar with a focus on astrology and the environment.

Eco-consciousness in an Ego-era: Clues from the Natal Chart with Laurence Hillman

Ecology and the Astrological Imagination – Attending to the Soul Amidst Ecological Grief with Hadley Fitzgerald

Back to the Garden – The Astrology of Climate Change with Jessica Murray

Radical Transformation: An Eco Astrological Perspective with Stephanie Gailing

Positive Feedback About Our Summits

“The way you plan and organize your summits around a theme with underlying spiritual messages is brilliant. Yet they are down to earth and practical. You have a sincere and gentle way of making participants feel they are part of the process – not just sitting in front of the computer and listening to a lecture. ” – Alice Kashuba

“A personal THANK YOU to all the astrologers and folks behind the scenes for this weekend’s summit! It was mind blowing! Truly inspirational for our current and future education of Astrology as a life course. You pulled together a wonderful time. BRAVO!” – Trudy Carol

“I truly thank you. The summit was enlightening and I so appreciate the chance to hear wonderful speakers providing such excellent information. A blessing for all of us that attended.” – Dianne Lieberman

“Thank you to all of the wonderful panelists of the summit.  These presenters’ inspirational stories helped me (and many others, I’m sure) to connect this turbulent time to a higher and deeper understanding, replacing the fear and dread with meaning and compassion. I am so grateful, from my rather isolated spot here on the northeast coast of Brazil, to be able to participate in these summits.  What a wonderful service you provide for the astrological community!” – Marilyn M.


“To live one’s life in terms of the revelatory message symbolically implied in one’s birth chart is to live a life in terms of the sacred character of existence.


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