Eclipse Season April 2024

by Melanie Reinhart

The current eclipse season began about a week before the recent Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, so about March 18th. It will last for about a week after the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, so until about April 15th.

Eclipses usually come in pairs, although occasionally there is more than one of each kind – Solar and Lunar. So an eclipse season can be felt for a week or so before and after the sequence. This means there is a month (sometimes more), twice every year, in which eclipses will occur.

On the soul’s journey, these eclipse seasons are times which mark endings of one kind or another, ranging from subtle interior closures which nobody except you knows about, to literal visible moves, endings, culminations or terminations that are often final.

A particular kind of ‘clarity in the darkness’ may arise if we allow it the time and space to do so. The strength of any eclipse season in our experience will depend on whether or not it touches degrees which are conjunct or opposite any of our natal planets.

Be sure to visit the website for all astronomical information which is eclipse-related, including a live-stream for those of us who’ll not be able to see it in person.

We don’t need to be right under its path of totality in order to register the energy inwardly … a time of quiet, lasting from a couple of hours through totality and a couple of hours afterwards may provide the right kind of container within which we can receive the blessings of the transitions it accompanies.

Solar Eclipse with Chiron

This next Solar Eclipse falls at 19°24′ of Aries, and, amazingly, Chiron will be in exactly in the same degree! And all are near the North Node of the Moon.

There is a strong movement of pulling forward, away from our past and towards the future. At the same time, obstacles which need our attention may arise. Here it may be wise to not allow the momentum of collective fragmentation and anxiety in the ‘group mind’ to invade one’s own inner sanctum.

The Aries energy, rushing forward and outward as it does, may miss the subtlety of what is unfolding in our private inner world. It’s possible that this eclipse may spontaneously halt the headlong rush into the future which Aries can generate, even as it may fight this!

With the South Node in Libra, where the Lunar Eclipse fell on March 25th, new but familiar ways of finding inner balance may have been learned over these last couple of weeks. Allow that to support you now.

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