Saturn in Pisces – Finding Your Life Raft

Since December 2020, Saturn has been passing through Aquarius but will soon transit through Pisces – from March 7, 2023 until February 14, 2026. The last time Saturn was in Pisces was 1993-96 – a very different time. Saturn is moving from fixed air to mutable water. Flying high (Aquarius), like Icarus, may land us in the sea (Pisces). What will be our life-raft (Saturn)?

The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, while the traditional ruler is Saturn. Different astrologers favour one or the other, but many use both. This dual rulership does highlight some particularly Aquarian themes which have been clearly revealed over the last couple of years. Perhaps this is a prelude to Pluto entering Aquarius? Revealing what needs transforming? The world of opinions, faux-rationality, prejudice, group-think and propaganda has come into clear view as the battle-lines have been drawn between ‘The Old’ (Saturn) and ‘The New’ (Uranus).

This dynamic is happening in countless areas of the world, within borders as well as between countries, neighbourhoods, gangs, ideologies, beliefs, and so on. 

During the birth-pangs of a new culture, happening now as it is, ‘The New’ needs careful tending and new forms into which it can flow. Moving from inspiration to manifestation is a rite of passage with many challenges, including becoming ideologically fixated (Aquarius as a fixed air sign), righteous and one-sided. Should this happen, either Saturn or Uranus will become ‘othered’ and thus the recipient of negative projections and judgements.

When becoming fearful or having our buttons pushed, it can be useful to try and discern whether we are identified with Saturn or with Uranus. This can change, of course, and we could be ‘playing Saturn’ in one part of our life and ‘playing Uranus’ in another. Recognising this can also bring some much-needed humour and play into the situation.

In this regard, check out the work of Swami Beyondanda, alter ego of Steve Bhaerman, a long-time brilliant and heartful champion of the absurd. He sometimes signs off with this delicious phrase: “May the Farce be with you!”

The transits of Saturn often bookmark when, where and how the Work of the Soul is concentrated. So what does that look like in Pisces? 

Firstly, what is mutable water like? One can perhaps imagine a powerful, changeable, stormy sea, whose waves pound the rocks of Saturn. Like the forces we see at work in the world. Inwardly, these rocks represent our built-up inner patterning, familial, ancestral or cultural, which will be eroding at a much faster rate than usual during this time, becoming sand on which we can walk with pleasure, build sand-castles and play safely on the shore’s edge. Here the sea spreads out, transparently, gently lapping over our feet (ruled by Pisces). 

So there is a liberation suggested here. A liberation from the tyranny of ideologies, polarisations and collective righteousness. A gentleness. Perhaps even a liberation of our capacity to feel and imagine, to drift and dream? We could do this by escaping the collective take-over of these realms via various forms of ‘The Machine’ – media, technology, and group-think.

How might we support this process?

Some Piscean suggestions: Swim towards the people in your soul-family and swim away from groups or associations with whom you no longer feel compatible. Fund-raise for your favourite charity. Get out your journal, and/or your paints, clay, sewing kit, tapestry wools, your dancing gear or musical instruments – any creative structures which offer ‘time away from the world’ through which you can ‘disappear’ for a while as your soul is nourished. Re-discover your dreams if they have become lost to you. Record them, welcome their mystery, hang out with them so they can ‘speak to you’ rather than trying to figure out ‘what they mean’. Find a style of meditation which speaks to your soul. Rest and let go. Be gentle.

Below are the dates when Ingresses occur. They are auspicious dates on which to meditate and tune in to the new energies incoming. Simply be quietly present to see/feel/sense/intuit what is arising in your soul and be open to what personal Guidance may come to you. In these times of crisis and distraction, anything which helps us stay present to that sacred inner space is to be welcomed.

Ingresses – all times are GMT/UTC

(Click here for your local time)

  • Saturn enters Pisces 7 Mar 2023 00°Pi00′ D 13:34
  • Pluto enters Aquarius 23 Mar 2023 00°Aq00′ D 12:23
  • Jupiter enters Taurus 16 May 2023 00°Ta00′ D 17:20
  • Pluto enters Capricorn 11 Jun 2023 00°Aq00′ R 09:35
  • Pluto enters Aquarius 21 Jan 2024 00°Aq00′ D 00:56
  • Jupiter enters Gemini 25 May 2024 00°Ge00′ D 23:14
  • Pluto enters Capricorn 1 Sep 2024 00°Aq00′ R 23:57
  • Pluto enters Aquarius 19 Nov 2024 00°Aq00′ D 20:39

Photo by Jared Berg on Unsplash

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