Pluto in Aquarius (2023-2044)


by Melanie Reinhart

Pluto will move into Aquarius on March 23, 2023, backing into Capricorn twice before finally taking up residence in its new sign in November 2024. Here are the dates:

  • Saturn enters Pisces – 7 March 2023 
  • Pluto enters Aquarius – 23 March 2023
  • Pluto re-enters Capricorn – 11 June 2023
  • Pluto re-enters Aquarius – 21 January 2024
  • Saturn SemiSquare Pluto – 6 May 2024 – 17°Pi06′ D 02°Aq06′ R
  • Pluto re-enters Capricorn – 2 September 2024 
  • Saturn SemiSquare Pluto – 26 September 2024 – 14°Pi42′ R 29°Cp42′ R
  • Pluto re-enters Aquarius 19 November 2024
  • Saturn SemiSquare Pluto – 27 January 2025 – 16°Pi53′ D 01°Aq53′ D
  • Saturn enters Aries – 25 May 2025
  • Saturn re-enters Pisces – 1 Sep 2025 
  • Saturn enters Aries – 14 Feb 2026 

During this period, Saturn will be in Pisces, the traditional ruler of which is Jupiter. According to the work of Alice Bailey, in “Esoteric Astrology”, Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of Aquarius. Additionally, in 2024 there are three semi-squares between Saturn and Pluto while these multiple ingresses are occurring. What are we to understand by this?

Firstly, there is a shifting between the old and the new. The conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in January 2020 brought many things to an end, sometimes by our own choice, and sometimes by forces bigger than us: illness, the government, the weather. The grief and resulting melancholy is an important part of this process of recognizing what has been lost. This applies not only to our own individual lives, but to the Earth itself, the planet we live on, and also the civilization in which we have lived. There is a sacredness to this dark experience. Do we have enough heart and strength to allow ourselves to bear witness to it, personally and collectively?

Saturn will be in Pisces during this transition, and in the work of Alice Bailey (“Esoteric Astrology”) Pluto is given the rulership of Pisces where perhaps the watery compassion of this sign mitigates the potential harshness of the transition in which we find ourselves.

Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, and indeed its recent conjunction with Chiron (March 12, 2023) may have highlighted the experience of dis-appointment, which is often a difficult emotion to simply feel, without giving in to the reflex to blame someone. The conjunction may have shown us where we have felt let down by someone, some place, some ideal which we have appointed to bear some hope and/or faith for us. Reclaiming that is a subtle task which may require the disappointment to be felt.

A song comes to mind: “With a little help from my friends“.
Written by the Beatles, and immortalized by Joe Cocker at the Woodstock Festival of 1969. 
Here it is in a 2013 version, performed not long before he died:

Aquarius is the sign of friendship, the non-blood family of brothers and sisters with which we share the path of our awakening. And a special energy seems to be flowing through into the field of friendship these days, where there is enough trust to drop our masks and be vulnerable with each other. New friends, old friends . . . able to be agents of mutual transformation (Pluto) through honesty, openness and a willing to listen. And be-friending all of our experience with a tender heart is also made possible. All this lies beyond the destruction of ideologies by which we may have been living our lives, consciously or otherwise. The late Sufi teacher Fazal Inayat Khan said that the days of the guru were over, and the future would be about spiritual friendship. May this be so.

Jupiter can represent Hope, Faith and Trust within the soul. But the current subtle prominence of Jupiter (as esoteric ruler of Pluto’s sign and traditional ruler of Saturn’s sign) suggests on opportunity to find these qualities within, rather than struggling to uphold them in a person or ideology. After the baptism of Dis-appointment and the Abyss of meaninglessness, we may have the Grace to experience ourselves as actually embodying Hope, Faith and Trust, a quite different experience which leaves us without the need to contest, prove or demonstrate anything to others. And we are free to act spontaneously and authentically. Can we imagine how might this feel? Try it.

Photo by Duy Pham from Unsplash

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